Sunday, April 29, 2007

Robots...they scare me

So, I was thinking the other day about robots. I love robots. In fact, I have a robot friend. When you need your pencil sharpened s/he does it for you and then he has energy to walk (he does the robot...ha). That robot is cool. But then there are destructor robots. Ive seen them in movies and imagined them in my brain.

One day they will be here. I know the army already has remote controlled planes and such. Its only a matter of time before the destructors come. Those guys really scare me.

But until then robots are like monkeys, fun and friendly on the outside...but unpredictable and dangerous. So, instead of a monkey (ive never wanted one anyway) i want a robot.

" fu%#ing dreamers" - Dane Cook

MLB.TV saved my life

Rather...just saved my seaason and summer...

Anyway, spring is here and ahhhhh....yes! Baseball is back and I'm ready to go. Actually, it didn't start that way. A few weeks ago I was lamenting t hat fact that "the man" prevents me from watching any west coast ball game (i live on the east coast). That was until a different "man" -- my dad -- offered up a solution.

He suffers from the opposite problem. He is a huge yankee's fan but he pimps hoes in california. So, he offered up for both of us. Frickety-fast forward we are out 90 bucks and enjoying some slow-moving, crotch scratchers wack balls!

Oh man/woman do i love it. I have watched all sorts of games (currently the cards are getting murdered by the pirates). The Los Angeles Angels are rockin on my TV (see future post: hooking up your computer to your tv). Scioscia is getting primmed and primed for another run at the series. Me-thinks we gotta chance this year. If not, we will make sure to beat the yank's all year long!

Oh yeah, get this, with we have the option to upgrade to something unbelievable. We can upgrade to tv quality picture with 6 games at once and the option to get an alert when your favorite batter is up. It's a must for any fan who dreams about Peter Gammons and sunflower seeds.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Do you pay for cable? you are silly...

So, I was driving home from work the other day when I heard this random story on NPR. Apparently, Viacom (MTV, Paramount Pics, & BET) has signed a deal with joost tv. Meaning that all of Viacom's content will soon be available as web tv and it will be free. Currently, joost tv is in beta testing, but when it is done free tv is back!! I am so excited i want to jump through the ceiling.

In case you haven't had your ear to the grindstone let me catch you up. So for the past few decades pay tv (cable) has domintated the market. Now, before that tv was free and it was broadcoast out to homes. Joost tv is ready to bring that back, free tv! Their ingenious product will allow us to get free tv, movies, user-developed content, and more all.

There are some key changes this time around. First, the tv will be available on the internet. Meaning get used to watching tv on your computer or start looking to have your computer hooked up to your tv (not that hard, most have the capability built in). Second, their will still be commercials, but not the kind you are used to. Imagine commercials that aren't spammed on you every fifteen minutes, but instead a few highly focused commercials that you want to see. Wait, what is that, commercials I want to see. That's right they exist. The pc-vs-mac ones, superbowl commercials, the jay-z dell computer ones, etc. There are plenty of commercials that you like viewing and as long as joost can get that right, the sky is the limit (imagine marketing to people who love seeing you advertise to them). Third, and finally, the tv can contain you tube stuff and anything else.

If this did not make you giddy like it did me, then hopefully you will just be content to save yourself paying 60-120 dollars/month on crappy cabe tv. I can't wait and I will be waiting for the release. In the meantime, here is some free tv already available: Neave tv
